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Klik venligst her og læs vilkårene før du booker! Udfyld felterne nedenfor for at booke en tur. For at bekræfte din booking vil du blive bedt om at betale et depositum. Du får en e-mail med detaljer om betaling af depositum. Din booking bliver derefter bekræftet via e-mail. 


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Tak for din booking med Bluebird Mountain Experience. Du bliver kontaktet med yderligere information.

Bluebird Mountain Experience - Ski touring, offpiste skiing, climbing and mountaineering with certified mountain guides IFMGA UIAGM IVBV
Logo of the international federation of mountain guides associations - IFMGA/UIAGM/IVBV

Bluebird Mountain Experience offers skitouring, skimountaineering, offpisteskiing, rockclimbing, iceclimbing and mountaineering with certified mountain guides

Copyright (c) 2022 - Bluebird Mountain Experience- Kasper Berkowicz - phone: +4521790262, +46731004045 - email:​ - facebook:

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