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Bluebird Mountain Experience is a mountain guide service offering the full range of alpine activities, from high alpine mountaineering, rock climbing and ice climbing to skitouring, offpiste skiing and skimountaineering. Kasper Berkowicz is lead guide at Bluebird and has years of experience skiing, climbing and guiding in the European Alps, the mountains of Scandinavia as well as North- and South America. Kasper is internationally certified by the International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations (IFMGA/UIAGM/IVBV). IFMGA is the only internationally recognized organisation for training and certifying professional mountain guides. Any guide who runs trips and courses for Bluebird Mountain Adventures will be highly qualified as well as certified by the IFMGA, so you can be certain that your guide meets the highest standards in the industry.

About Bluebird Mountain Experience

International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations - IFMGA UIAGM IVBV

BLUEBIRD [ˈbluːbɜːd]: “The first day with nice weather and blue skies after a big snowfall. Usually associated with powder turns, big smiles, pristine mountain scenery and/or lofty summits.”

Bluebird Mountain Experience - Ski touring, offpiste skiing, climbing and mountaineering with certified mountain guides IFMGA UIAGM IVBV
Logo of the international federation of mountain guides associations - IFMGA/UIAGM/IVBV
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